Making Your Small Business More Eco-Friendly: Ideas For You

When you opened your small business, the main concern that you had was keeping your business up and running as well as generating a profit to keep you going. However, once you have a more established business and you have a stable or even still growing income to work with, you can better adjust your business model to accommodate other concerns and personal beliefs you may have. If you are, for example, looking to bring your personal environmentalism into your small business model, there are many adjustments and steps you can take to make your small business more eco-friendly. Get to know these potential adjustments so that you can make your small business more eco-friendly.

Sign Up For Commercial Recycling Services

One of the best ways that you can make your small business more eco-friendly is to begin a recycling program in your small business. The first step you will need to take is to hire a commercial recycling service to help you with your recycling efforts.

Commercial recycling services will be come to your business once a week or even more often to pick up your recyclables. Once you have a schedule set up for your recycling pick-up, all that you will have to do is set up your recycling bins.

Be sure that you have a bin in or near your office and staff only areas as well as one near the trashcans that your clients and customers will have access to. This way you can ensure that all people who come into your business environment will be able to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum.

Install A Greener Roof

If your small business is in need of a roofing upgrade, you can make it a green or eco-friendly roof. Even if you are not in need of a new roof due to structural or functional issues, you can still make it more environmentally friendly.

Green roofing options are numerous and you can find a green roof that suits any taste and style. However, one of the best options for your business would be a roof that is literally green. A vegetated roof is a roof that is made up of a thin layer of soil with indigenous vegetation planted into that layer of soil. The plants produce oxygen which reduces your business's carbon footprint, and that extra layer of plant life is excellent insulation.

You can even install your vegetative roofing on top of your existing roof, making the process far easier for you. Other green roofing options include a rooftop garden, recycled rubber roofing or even recycled asphalt shingles.

Now that you have a few ideas about how to make your small business more eco-friendly, you can get started and make your business match your personal environmental beliefs.

About Me

where do your recycables go?

You spend the time to clean and organize all of your recyclable materials leaving your home, but what happens to all of those milk jugs, soda bottles and newspapers after they are hauled away? What does the waste company do with the things that you put in your recycling bin each week? How do they dispose of them without impacting the environment? My blog is all about what happens to your recyclables after they leave your home. Knowing where everything goes could help encourage you to keep up with the recycling that you do each and every day at home.

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