Maintaining Your Recycling Sorting System

If you have just starting working for a waste control service and you have a recycling sorting system on the premises, you will soon find out the importance in its job in separating each type of recyclable material so it is properly allocated for reuse. To reduce unnecessary downtime, some maintenance steps can be taken to ensure the recycling sorting system continues to work without incident. Here are some routine maintenance steps you should take when caring for this important piece of equipment.

Clean Down Conveyor Belts

Your recyclable materials are probably placed into a bin in which they are pushed onto a conveyor belt for analysis. This belt can become quite dirty from some of the items, especially those with liquids seeping out from containers. It is extremely important to wipe down the conveyor belt between sessions so a buildup of debris does not arise. Items containing sugar or corn syrup will harden on the rubber belt, making it difficult to pass through the gears if it gets too thick. Use a commercial-grade cleaner and apply with a soft-bristled brush to scrub down the belt between usages. Make sure it is completely dry before using for another batch of recycling sorting.

Care For The Optical Sensor

Sorting machines have an optical sensor included within to determine what each medium each item on the belt is made from. This sensor will alert the machine which way to push along each item so it ends up in a bin with like items. If the optical sensor becomes dirty, it will not be able to determine the consistency of each item, possibly causing plastics to be put in with metals or vice versa. To alleviate this mishap, the optical sensor needs to be calibrated often. Many machines have an automatic air flow blowing on the sensor. If there are extremely dirty recyclables however, it may not be enough. Locate the optical sensor using your machine's handbook and wipe it down with an approved commercial-grade cleanser to remove any film from the glass over the eye. Many plants will require this is to be cleaned before each shift to keep it working properly.

Service The Electromagnets

Most recycling sorting systems will have suspended electromagnets above the conveyor belt to help remove metal pieces from the bulk being processed. Some of these will have a filtering system over the magnet, separating larger items from smaller scrap. It is important to clean out these grated filters to remove any embedded portions from the piece so it will continue to work without obstruction. Regularly wipe down the surface of the magnets with an appropriate cleaner to keep them from becoming covered with debris so they continue doing their job efficiently. 

For more information about recycling, contact a business such as C-TEC Compactors & Balers.

About Me

where do your recycables go?

You spend the time to clean and organize all of your recyclable materials leaving your home, but what happens to all of those milk jugs, soda bottles and newspapers after they are hauled away? What does the waste company do with the things that you put in your recycling bin each week? How do they dispose of them without impacting the environment? My blog is all about what happens to your recyclables after they leave your home. Knowing where everything goes could help encourage you to keep up with the recycling that you do each and every day at home.

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